Retrograde Planets

Overview #

Retrograde Planets is a TradingView script that highlights retrograde cycles in planets from Mercury to Pluto. A lot of Time-Theory/ Gann traders use these cycles to gauge volatility and trend of the market. You can also deploy your own techniques and gather your own data by using this script.

Retrograde Planets is an easy, simple to use script, you will just need to select the planet from the settings and activate it. And of course, you can change the color of the highlighted retrograde area.

This script is also designed to show you future retrograde areas for up to a year before they happen which is a power feature in Retrograde Planets.

Examples #

Features #

  • Includes planets from Mercury to Neptune.
  • at least 365 days of future data.
  • Ability to adjust colors and transparency of the highlighted area

Script Properties #

NameRetrograde Planets
Release Date26-05-2021
Latest Update04-09-2022
Current Versionv1.2

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